Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello there

We're in the Tri-Cities and the Box of Awesome is getting shipped off today. After I get confirmation that it's been received, I'll do a post about it's contents.

We'll be here all week folks. I hope to have a post everyday. I think that hope and good intentions are in the same bucket sometimes. You know, paving roads and such.

Anyways, have a good week. It's spring break for us. Is it spring break for you?

Tried to add a picture, but blogger is being naughty. So sorry.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sorry for the delay, but the winner is......

There was a technical delay on Monday that stood in the way of the winner and their Box of Awesome! The technical problem is now fixed and we shall proceed. After calculating all of your entries, then randomly assigning those entries their own number, then using to pick a number from all of those excited little...numbers. WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!







Well, Mike Brinkerhoff, you're the winner of the Box of Awesome! Congratulations. To everyone who didn't win, thanks for playing and check back regularly for other contests. They aren't as big as the BOA, but still awesome in their own right. This contest will reconvene next March 10th. See ya next year!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Give Away!!! Nifty Gifties!!!

It's been a year, but the time has come around again. That's right. It's the........Box of Awesome!!!

A year ago today I had the idea for my first giveaway and it was a huge success. I made some new friends and learned that I can make my own Snuggies. Without further ado, here's the rules. They are mostly the same from last year, with just a few changes.

So, this could contain anything. It's gonna be good stuff. {hopefully you'll think so too} It could have something I've made, candy, toys, crafty stuff, books, it might even be tailored for the person who wins. I can tell you with all certainty that it won't be a flat screen TV though...sorry. I hope you like it anyway and decide to enter. The rules are as follows...

1. Leave me a comment. Each comment is another entry, Limit 5 per person please.

2. Please announce this giveaway on your blog, facebook, twitter, or myspace. Doing
so will double your entries. If you post it on more than one of those choices, you
get an extra entry for each outlet. I will be checking too, so be honest please.

3. Tell me something you would like to find in your very own box of awesome.
If you say you want rainbows or miracles...I just don't know what to do with that
really. So Skittles and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers? That sounds right.

4. When you receive your box of awesome, let me know how you like it and feel
free to show it off on your own blog.

Well, there ya go. Maybe this will entice some of you lurkers to come out of hiding. I just love meeting iiinteresting people you know. : )

So, come and get some nifty gifties!

The winner will be chosen Sunday night at MIDNIGHT!!! will provide the winner. Then the awesome person will be announced on Monday.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beauty, Bruce, and something awesome!

Well, we had a wonderful weekend. It was really fun and really fast. We stayed at Jeff's parent's house the whole time. We were able to make it to my parent's house for Sunday dinner though. I would've never heard the end of it if we hadn't. :)

We had the play to go to later Saturday evening. During the day we visited and made a trip out to Costco. I know, high excitement. The whole family met up at Dale and Tracy's house for dinner before the show. I've only had taco soup a few times in my life, but each time I've really loved it. I'm going to have to make some. Before leaving for Richland, I had to show my nephew's how to get through the big castle on Super Mario Bros. for the Wii. I took the controller and Lindsay said, "Watch the Master at work." HA! Love that kid.

Beauty and the Beast was really good! Like I said before, my niece Amicherie was playing Bell. She was amazing!!! She has such a beautiful voice and she delivered every line perfectly. Everyone in the cast was spot on that night. I was certainly a proud aunt. The girls really loved it too.

Sunday dinner was good at my mom's house. I got to see my adorable nieces. You know you're loved when one of them makes a bee line for you before saying hello to grandma first. I love my nieces.

We of course left really late that night to go back to Spokane. We stopped back at Jeff's parents house to get our stuff and we got sucked into the vortex. The vortex being visiting and then more siblings that show up so you then need to visit with them. I can tell you, married to Jeff has trained me to be a first class visiting fool.

The ride home was uneventful. I had my big cup of ice to munch on. The girls watched their borrowed copy of Beauty and the Beast on the computer. We pipped the sound through the car so I could listen.

So, busy, busy, busy. I apologise to Miss K for not calling her and meeting up. I beg for your forgiveness. We can most certainly get together during spring break. We will be there the whole week. Let me know if that works.

Now, a follow up on Bruce. He was fine. He didn't have anything wrong with him. It was decided that he was upset about Jeff being home that weekend. If you need to know anything about Bruce it's this. He LOVES me. He follows me everywhere, even if everyone else is home. He sits with me wherever I sit. He kills Lindsay's rabbit fur and brings it to me every week or so. He will get in between me and someone if they are close to me. I guess that weekend we were gone a lot and he got pushed off one too many times. He hasn't done it since. It was only that once. We were able to get the smell out with a special cleaner and a carpet shampooer.

Lastly I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I detect something awesome on the wind. It seems to be coming from somewhere. I think it will land here tomorrow....hmmm.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Jeff's mom called last Sunday and invited the girls and I to come down to the Tri-Cities, her treat, and she wants to take us to see Beauty and the Beast. My niece Amicherrie is playing Belle. I'm really touched that Jeff's mom thought to do such a nice thing. So, that's where we'll be this weekend. Now I just need to clean the house, pack, and set the kitties up. This will inevitably take all of the time leading up to when we have to leave. I better get started. I hope you all have a fun weekend too! So does Mookie. I had to have some kind of picture.

Something awesome is going to happen
next week....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Things that make me feel good

I know, I know. I'm kind of doing cop out posts. Lists and stuff. So, here's another one. I was just sitting here thinking about stuff I like and how they make me feel, hence the tittle. I will share some with you, please share some with me. I like to know what makes other people feel good. Only a couple have pictures. I only found two that I thought were good enough to make me feel good.....goood.

Cat pictures with captions. They just make me laugh. I don't care if it's not cool. I say they're good.
Taking my children to the doctor. He's one of the best I've ever seen and he loves us. We've been going to him for almost 6 years. Every time we go he let's me know how much he likes my girls and tells me that I am a good mother. He assures me that we are a breath of fresh air. The girls and I always feel good after seeing Dr. Luber.

Eating more fruits and veggies. You get in a habit of excluding these gems in your daily diet. Then you try some and it's like, where have you been all of my life! I can't wait for fruit season to start. I'm dreaming about peaches in the summer.Doesn't this picture make you hungry? Well, it works for me.

Songs from the 500 Days of Summer sound track. I've been listening to them on Playlist and I really want the CD. Maybe I have a generous uncle that might have it already? Well, maybe not. I'm a gonna get it though.

My girls love me. They love to give me kisses and hugs. Sometimes I just have to look at Lindsay and she'll give me a kiss on my forehead. If I look at all sad, Abbey will spring out of nowhere and give me a hug and tell me that she loves me so much. So good!

My friends. I have great friends. I'm going to hang out with one of my great friends tomorrow. I had another great friend call and invite us over for dinner tonight. I have great friends that live far away from me, but as soon as we get together it feels like there's no distance at all. I love my friends! They definitely make me feel good.

Lastly, comments make me feel good. So, please leave one if you've read this.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Week. New Opportunities.

That's right. I'm trying to find, well, myself actually. I feel that I'm not who I completely want to be. I feel that I've lost of what used to make up Heidi. I chalk a bit of that to just growing up, but I still think there were other things lost along the way. I want to take advantage of everything life has to offer. I want to maximize and amplify every talent and aspect of my life. I want more for myself, I want more for Jeff and I as a couple, and I want more for my family. I know that I may loose heart and focus. I know that I may get discouraged. I hope that I will still press on and be the person that I want to be. I've been simmering over some inspirational things I've seen, read, or witnessed and I think I'm about to boil. This is one of the things that has stayed with me since I saw it. I think it will stay with me forever actually. It's the last thing Conan O'Brien said in his final farewell.

"To all the people watching, I can never thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life. All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

I don't know why this statement touches my heart so much, but I tear up every time I read it. It makes me feel young again. It gives me hope and makes me remember what it felt like to succeed at something. I used to be the kind of person that would see something and do everything in my power to get it. I hope to get some of that back. I'm looking for new opportunities. I know I'll find some.