Thursday, July 22, 2010

Saying goodbye, why is it sad? .....

.....Makes us remember the good times we've had. Much more to say, foolish to try. It's time for saying goodbye. (tear)
Muppets Take Manhattan folks, check it out.

The beginning of June marked a sad moment in Abbey and Lindsay's lives. Their best friends of nearly 4 years moved away. Kaylee and Kassidy lived right behind us. Kaylee and Abbey were a set. Kassidy and Lindsay were a pair. They shared birthdays, teachers, holidays, summer evenings, laughter, and tears. They weren't moving under happy circumstances either, which makes it harder. They now reside in Pennsylvania with their Mom and her family.

I do know that the girls still play Webkins together, email back and forth, and Kaylee called Abbey on her birthday. They were on the phone for an hour.

I can tell that Abbey and Lindsay's zest for summer is slightly diminished since their bosom friends moved. I hope they can stay in touch. I also hope that Abbey and Lindsay can meet someone new...don't tell them that though.

Somehow I know, we'll meet again.
Not sure quite where and
I don't know just when.
You're in my heart.
So until then,
Wanna smile,
Wanna cry,
Saying Goodbye.

we miss you


Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Great post.. love that movie.. but I thought it was "wanna cry"... :)


LKP said...

yeah yeah yeah! (not about the friends moving away, but about the friends i RANDOMLY saw at sonic the other night!!!! YOU!!!!)
so excited that you're in town to visit. glad you've got time tomorrow, cause yesterday & today have been rough days physically. something's up but i can't figure it out. oh well. but i feel better today than yesterday, so tomorrow i should be 100% back to myself i think. =) i do have your number in my phone. i'll give you a call later tonight to make plans with you. have daisy's closet to go through today & still some unpacking to do with some lingering boxes. (ugh, i HATE boxes!!!) and i think we're working on expanding our driveway today, possibly. yeah yeah yeah. might even be able to make it twice as wide. probably doesn't sound as rad to anyone else, but i. can't. wait! =)
anyhow, love ya oodles! can't wait to hear more about how everything's been going & what's next on the horizon. i'll call ya tonight. muah!

Jeanette said...

Sorry their friends moved. Good friends are the best. Our kids are so blessed to be growing up in this tech savvy day. Email, Skype, text, IM, Facebook...makes keeping in touch easy. I hope they do find great new friends. You can never have too many!

LKP said...

ok, so i had every intention of calling tonight, but i wound up out on the tractor with the man. so sorry. when we came in it was like 11pm! so, i was gonna email you, but no matter how hard i tried, my address book wouldn't cough up your email address. thus here i am. i'll call ya in the morning. =) when do you plan on leaving? we can meet ya'll in town for lunch if you'd like even. might make it easier for you rather than trekking all the way out here. love ya tons. talk to you in several hours!