Fold every mountain in this case. I don't mind though. I love laundry. I especially love laundry products. Soap, pretreater, softeners, even bleach in it's various forms.
It is well known, by those that know me at least, I can't go to a store without spending some time in the laundry isle. I have my favorites that I will open and smell, but I always try a few new ones. If it's a box I have a patented squeeze and sniff method. I don't recommend squeezing an open liquid bottle though. Something to do with Gain squirting up ones nose, then said someones husband took a picture with his phone, while laughing, and laughing, and telling her he knew that would happen someday. Any who, I love, love, love it.
Jeff's gotten over his embarrassment over the years, lucky for him. In truth, I tune him and everybody out when I'm in that isle. I don't care if I look like a weirdo, and I know I do, opening and squeezing bottles and boxes one after the other. I even thought about making it a profession. Someone as dedicated to laundry products as I, should be in the field, creating, testing, and getting paid.
I used to be so in tune with the scents of each soap and softener, I could tell which ones you used. I am a little bit embarrassed to admit, but I browse laundry websites to see what is the newest thing they're working on. It's fun time for me. I also cruise them for coupons and samples, I'm not completely waisting my time.
The smells of certain detergents leave me feeling nostalgic. They bring back certain times in my life. Tide with bleach powder for instance, reminds me of being pregnant with Abbey. We lived with Jeff's parents during that time and that was what she used. I would stand above the open box and inhale. . . inhale. . . inhale. . . it cured any sickness I was feeling. I only threw up once with that pregnancy, and probably only because I didn't have access to the Tide. My gratitude to Tide with bleach.
Purex original scent liquid is what I used in our new townhouse after Lindsay was born. I did so much laundry that first 8 months. Lindsay threw up after EVERY feeding. She would loose just about everything, for 8 months! So, Purex and I got to know each other. I had gotten a super deal at Kmart and got 4 big jugs for around 10 bucks. Every day, load, pour, start, dry, and repeat. I'll open a bottle and Abbey is only 2 and coloring at the kitchen table, singing a made up song. I'll be bathing Lindsay for the third time that day and putting her in warm clean clothes, and then hold her. She didn't like to be put down. We held her. Abbey would come sit with us and give me kisses on the arm and on Lindsay's head. "She's our sugar baby, isn't she mama!"
When I go past a venting dryer I remember the year of the snow fort. Donald built an incredible snow fort in the front yard. We played outside for hours, everyday. On days when the laundry was being done, we'd warm up by the dryer vent. It was warm and smelled really good. We also experimented with melting just the outside of our snowballs to create an icy layer. We called them stingers, well I did, I can't remember if Donald agreed to the name.
Tide original scent powder reminds me of my Grandparents house in Bellevue. Every time you went out to the backyard, you passed through the laundry room to get there. I know that smell. It's so clean and fresh. I'll wash my towels, pull them out of the dryer, put one to my nose, and I swear I'm out back bouncing on the giraffe hippity hop.
It's funny. I just set out to do a "look what I have to do today post". Oh, how the mind will wander.