Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Should I even bother with the awesome?

It's Box of Awesome time again. Blog traffic has slowed down to a near trickle and I don't know if I should hold the contest? Would anyone even care to enter? I don't know. What do you think....anyone?


Em and Ms said...

I'm always up for a chance to win a Box of Awesome! Maybe this time I'll get lucky?

LKP said...

ummmm, yeah! i LOVE the box of awesome!!!!!

Jeanette said...

My vote is YES!! If traffic is down, my chances are up. ;D

Jeanette said...

I just saw your comment about your iPhone. My husband came home the other day with one for ME! I am still in shock. I really love it so far. I just got the all recipes app too. I like their website better. I guess there is a learning curve. I meant to email you, but it's still in a draft form. I will have to finish it up soon and send it on to you. Have a great day.

Brooke said...

Yes, please! I'm with Jeanette... less people means I might have a chance! :)

You NEED to go enter the contest on MY blog. FREE jewelry of your choice- $30 worth! You deserve to win something like that! :)

Brooke said...

Oops... signed in on my "other" gmail account with that last comment. :)

Alicia said...

I meant to comment a couple of days ago, but I was reading this on my phone and it makes commenting much more difficult somehow...so I've popped in to say YES PLEASE on the box. I haven't won yet, but maybe this year!

Melanee said...

Heidi- The Box of Awesome is an awesome tradition. It's were I first met you. And it's been a blast getting to know you. We have so many things in common. You never know what a box of Awesome will do for you.

PS. Will you email me, I can't find your email address and I wanted to send something private to you. Mine is melaneeanne@hotmail.com

Love ya my Awesome friend!

Amy said...

Most definitely. This gives me a slight chance of winning this time.

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...


Lisa said...

let, see. YES, people love winning. And awesome is just, well, awesome! Carry on!

Em and Ms said...

Wait, you said 5 entries right? Here's #2!

Em and Ms said...


Em and Ms said...

#4! Pick me!

Em and Ms said...

Can you tell I really want to win? #5!