It's seems like only yesterday that the threat of doom and destruction of Y2K was upon us. I remember Jeff and I in our Pulman apartment, watching our 20 in color TV, and the clock struck 12. We knew that nothing was going to happen, but we were still wondering, what if. The world, of course, was just fine and Abbey slept peacefully in her crib all the while.
2000- This year will always hold significance as the year that Lindsay was born. Jeff took a break from school and we moved back to Kennewick. We lived in our townhouse of 10th and Olympia, we made 900 a month, and these were some of the best and worst times in our lives. I wish I had more pictures to show for this year, but I didn't have my own camera yet and you still had to buy film you know.
2001- I met one of my friends for life this year. My good friend Kenice. We lived in the same complex and went to the same ward. She, and her two children Alec and Hailey, brought us a plate of the best cookies ever and introduced themselves. There hadn't been more than a hello between us before Abbey took one look at Hailey and said "Go away!" Oh, don't worry, Hailey shot right back at her "You go away!" They have been good friends ever since. We just went to visit them this summer too. I can't forget the tragic day of 9/11. I don't know why, but I was at Jeff's mom's house for something. Jeff's brother in law Chet was staying with Jeff's parents. I was in a back room. Chet came down the hall and told Jeff's parents what happened. I had just overheard what he said. I went into the living room and saw the video of the first plane go into the first tower then a second. It didn't seem real. I thought that maybe that was some other Country, not mine. I felt numb all day. Stories of people that should have been on the plane but weren't were floating around. I was at my mom's house in the late afternoon, looking out the window to the park. The park used to be a place that you could play and be safe, not anymore. It was overrun by gang members and their hangers on. I watched as two little boys were outfitted with boxing gloves and made to fight each other by the throng of older boys. Such ugliness and hate right across the street. Don't judge me, but I wondered why couldn't the plane and building have been full of those kind of people. I mourned with the rest of this country. Jeff also got a job in Salt Lake. We were on one of the first flights out of the Pasco airport after 9/11. It was tense to say the least. We moved there and Jeff took a job as the front office manager in the downtown Red Lion. Adam and Kenice moved back to Utah shortly after we did.
2002- The Olympics came to Salt Lake. Jeff saw many stars and celebrities. I stayed far away from downtown and stuck to Taylorsville. Abbey turned 4 and learned how to read using Dick and Jane books, just like her mom did. Abbey was also in ballet and tap. Lindsay turned two and was never terrible, she was spicy. Her favorite thing to do was cuddle with me and blue blankie on the couch. We also got to know Jeff's aunt Leah very well. The girls loved her and loved to see her.
2003- We moved from our horrible apartment to our spacious and lovely 1400 sq ft townhouse. With the exception of were I live now, I've never loved a place so much. I loved everything about it. We had a yard, for the first time. We had a playground, a pool, and neighbor kids for Abbey and Lindsay to play with. It was perfect. Abbey went to kindergarten and Lindsay was sad. Not for too long though. Lindsay brightened up when she realised that she'd have momma all to herself, all day. We also met our other friends for life, Amy and Steve. Lindsay and their Lexi were good little friends. We double dated and played games into the wee hours of the night. Game night was looked forward to all week. We had lot's of yummy snacks and played D&D while our kids slept. That's right folks, I'm a total nerd. I'm only slightly ashamed. {smile}
2004- This year is kind of a blur. It mixes in with the previous year because we did many of the same things. Lindsay was three and NOT potty trained. The ballet bug had bitten Lindsay early in life. She wanted nothing more than to go to ballet, but you had to be potty trained to go to ballet. Well, she decided to do just that and she was in about 3 days. The sad thing was, we couldn't afford to send her. Abbey had been very sick and had large medical bills we were trying to pay. I promised that someday she would get to go. In the last of the year Jeff got a new job in the company and they were moving us to Spokane. I was excited to have more money for our family, but very sad to leave our good friends.
2005- Lindsay was able to go to ballet as soon as we moved to Spokane. She joined Sandra Olgard's ballet studio mid year. She danced in the ballet Don Quixote as a little village girl. She also started going to pre-school at Hearts and Rainbows and learned how to read. She also turned 5 and started Kindergarten. Her teacher was named Miss Honeywell, isn't that the perfect teacher name? Abbey started at Mullan Road Elementary in the first grade. It was a very hard year for her. She didn't have any friends all year long and she just couldn't get any school work done. I had suspected that she had the same problem I've had my whole life. We took her to the doctor and she was diagnosed with ADHD. She started taking medicine for it and her life changed. She had friends at school for the first time. She not only finished all of her work, but she was one of the first kids to be done.
2006- We moved into our first house. We picked the plan, the lot, and all of the colors. We got a kitty to live with us in our house too. We named him Gary. He wasn't with us long. He died from kidney failure six months after we got him. We were all in the room with him when he was put to sleep. All of our hands were petting him as his spirit left for heaven. We had gotten Mookie shortly after we got Gary. Mookie was very sad after Gary died, so was Jeff. We decided to get another kitty, that's when we got Bruce. Bruce Wayne, that's right, he's Batman. On a happier note, Abbey got baptized this year too. We had all of the family over and it was lovely. My mom made Abbey's pretty white dress with a light blue sash. The girls also started school at Windsor. The best school we've been in yet.
2007- Jeff and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Abbey and Lindsay played soccer. And we, as a family, went to, DISNEYLAND!!! I'm so glad that we did. It was the best vacation I've ever had. I took so many pictures and I have a fabulous scrap book to boot. Jeff changed jobs in the company again. We bought our van. We also had a visit to Salt Lake to visit our friends and family.
2008- Lindsay turned 8 and was baptised. We had one of the best 4th of July's at Uncle Richard's lake house. Jeff lost his job and our lives were changed. I had pictures I took of the girls get put on the news. We had over 5 feet of snow. School was canceled for almost two weeks.
2009- We celebrated all of the holidays at home and by ourselves. This may not seem like a big deal, but with lot's of family very close it's kind of impressive. I'm glad we did. 2009 would be the last year we would get to spend in our beloved house. We've tried to enjoy every last minute. We put our house up for sale this year. Jeff got a job with Red Lion again. We decided to move to the Tri-Cities and go back to school. The girls and I got to visit Utah this summer. I've made some great friends in 2009. We had snow in June.
What's going to happen in the next 10 years? I have no idea. The one thing I've learned in the last decade is that everything is uncertain and anything can happen. Year 2000 Heidi could have never predicted where 2009 Heidi would be. I do feel encouraged however, things will change and hopefully for the better.
Your last paragraph matches up almost exactly with the end of my birthday post (set to post tomorrow of course).
I enjoyed reading through your decade. And I love even more that we have been family for that long. Times flyin'!
Happy New Year to my favorite DeCourseys in the whole wide world!! =)
I read every word. With anticipation. I loved this post! To see how a families life can grow and change as the days go by. Before we know it, it is years that have passed, and then a decade. I love how you ended your post about 2000 Heidi and yourself today. I too know things will change and I am hoping for the best for you and your family. Happy New Year Heidi.
when do you start dentist school?
In the fall.
Hey! I moved to Utah (SLC) in 2002 and left in 2005! Maybe I saw you at Cinnabon or something :) This year will be great for you Heidi!!
I'm embarrassed to admit that almost all of the events in the last 10 years of your life were news to me. I'm so glad you did this post, so now I know more about you! I have a good feeling about 2010 also.
happy new year, heidi!!!
here's to a "better" decade:)))
much love,
dani xxxx
I am gonna make this report next time around!!! =) j/k. i loved getting a 10 yr glimpse into your family. i mean we've visited about stuff, but there were a few things we hadn't gotten to yet. d&d, huh? that's ok, we used to play killer bunniez as part of our big weekly game night while in idaho...well and bohnanza, ticket to ride-europe, settlers, and anything else we could get our hands on. i should seriously show you our new game tower! you'd love it (though no d&d), plus we moved all our tv, wii, entertainment garb up to the spare bedroom. it's perfect party central! =) when are ya'll back down here again? oh, and i didn't realize the new job was with red lion again. where do i go to bug him? that way we can invite him over during the week. love you.
What a wonderful post- much more fun-filled than mine! I remember seeing Jeff at the Red Lion in Salt Lake around the 2001/2002 time period, which was so funny!
I am so excited for you and your family, these next few years may be extremely tough, but I think there is so much in store for you guys. :)
Happy New Year!
It's hard to believe that all of that has come and gone in such a short time. I had forgotten that you lived here during the 9 11 tragedy. That was one scary moment in time. I am so excited for you to all be back here in the Tri Cities. I know it's not what you wanted but that doesn't mean it won't be good.
Love mom
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