I'm just kidding. : ) Well, mostly. I've had a toothache for about a week and it came to a head yesterday...my head...getting puffier by the minute. A failed root canal. FAIL! Now that we have health insurance I thought I'd do something about it today. So, I spent about 3 hours in a dentist's chair getting one of my left lower molars drilled and scraped. It wasn't horrible, it wasn't pleasant either, but the really nasty part is done. I have a lovely prescription of hydrocodone and penicillin. I think I'll be able to eat and sleep soon. I haven't done much of either for the last two days.
The dentist was a really nice guy. Very talented with the shots. He also found a root that the last guy missed. Which happened to be the offending root.
He tried to convince Jeff to go the dentist school route instead of the doctor. He told Jeff that being a dentist is the "good life". He was pretty funny.
Anyways, I might need to just let this be the last post for a while. Perhaps until Monday. Oooo, the novocaine is starting to wear off. I can start to feel my lip again.
The dentist chair is not a fun place to be.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
ugh. poor you indeed. i would have to seriously consider the sedation dentist guy if i ever have to get a root canal done. take the hydrocodone and a nap and feel better soon!
As fate would have it, I too visited the dentist today. For a filling. Inside a tooth that had previously been filled.
go figure.
I was so shot full of novocain that it even affected my right eye. I had told the woman giving me the shot how hard it is to get me completely novacaited. So she gave me the mother of all shots. like I said half of my right eye was useless, my mouth completely hung down, I looked so funny. But, there was NO pain whatsoever. Not a single live nerve to send me up clinging to the ceiling. I hope you recover quickly my dear. I've been worried about you and your bad teeth for several years now.
ugghh... there is nothing worse than that nerve tooth pain! I would rather have three children with no meds than have a toothache! Hope you feel better. Keep all medicated. oh~ and lol at the cocaine tooth remedy!
Bummer for you! Hope you start feeling better soon.
oooh, a root canal?!
i know it's a bit diabolical for me to be happy about that. for some reason in all my years in dental, i LOVED root canals the best!
don't worry many in the dental field also think i'm nuts for it. clear down to me loving clove gum cause it reminds me of root canals which always brought me joy to assist on.
i'm sorry that you've been uncomfortable. that part's never fun. but if he's good with injections, then he must have been amazing with the procedure. well of course, especially if he found ANOTHER root! how do you miss a root?! didn't the old guy take periapical xrays after he thought he was done? that's one of the ways you know you're actually done! holy nanners for sure on THAT element. =( but anyhow. glad you're more comfortable now. love ya!
When your day is done and you wanna run; cocaine.
If you got bad news, you wanna kick them blues; cocaine.
She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie; cocaine.
Or, in your case, novocaine.
the dentist's office is no fun!
So sorry, nothing worse than being in pain.
I had a gum disease when I was a kid, they actually perscribed liquid cocaine to treat it. I remember waking up one night and i had no control over anything. It was horrible. My mom said to my dad,"She must have swollowed some."
I've never even had a cavity so I can't say I understand, but I feel for you anyways. Pain is pain, right? And pain sucks! But at least you know you're alive!
Gee Kelly, I never ever thought there would come a situation when quoting Eric Clapton would be so appropriate.
Saw you have to head back tomorrow. Booo~~ No fun! Is your hubby home to take care of you or are you dealing with this solo?? Feel better!
That's what I've been doing this week too!!! UGHHHH.....Root canal fixed and temporary crown...pass over the cocaine drops!! Feel better soon XO:)
Sorry about the root canal. I guess a silver lining is that you have insurance. Hope you feel better soon.
oh, heidi, i'm so glad you have insurance and will now have relief!!! i hope you are already all better by today:D
much love,
dani xxxx
woo hoo for me! you're here, hooray. i was just at amy's house tonight learning a few more PS tricks that i can't wait to try out. funny, while i was there i was thinking how we 3 need to hang when ya'll move here. imagine it, me, you, & amy! perfect times. =)
so i'm very curious who's doing your root canal here. mind name dropping for me? or email name drop? or over the phone name drop? or even in person name drop? i wanna know that this guy's gonna take good care of you! ;)
ok, so i'm going to email you my cell digits just in case i haven't already. love ya!
My mouth hurts just reading this! I hope you are on the mend and feeling super!
are you still not well?
Sorry to hear about your toothache. Root canal! I shudder just reading your pain. I hate tooth problems. I think Jeff would make a great dentist.
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