I get to watch The Office and 30 Rock {two of my favorite shows}
The fact that I can't sleep until 1:30 in the am doesn't matter as much because the girls have late start on Friday...so an extra hour of sleep...I love sleep.
If it's payday the next day, I take the girls and I out to dinner after Lindsay's ballet. Tonight we went to Skippers.
It's weekend eve. Who doesn't like something with eve tacked on at the end?
I feel happier on this day than on any other one leading up to it.
Thursday is my netflix day. I have to finish watching all of my selections and return them in order to get fresh ones for the weekend. Today I finished Gossip Girl Season 1 disk 2...don't judge me, I'm sharing a guilty pleasure with you. Moliere. One word, no two, FABULOUS and Breathtaking. OK, that was technically three if you count the and. The third selection was My Best Friends Girl. I sat through about 5 minutes of it, decided 5 minutes was overly generous, and turned it off. In my opinion it was pure TRASH! I was also deceived, I thought it was PG-13, but they sent me the unrated version. I hate unrated versions of movies, for so many more reasons than it is guaranteed to be more raunchy. I am strongly suspecting that that movie was never PG-13 to begin with. I think Jeff put it in the que.
Thursday feels like a fresh start. On Thursday I think, tomorrow will be better, and it is.

All fantastic reasons to love Thursdays. :) Miss you!
~ Mel
Yeah for Thursday. Hip HiP hOORAY FOR Friday and Jeff coming home to Heidi!
really~ you can't go wrong with a good thursday! Or a good any day for that matter. glad to see you live :)
Yeah! Your break wasn't permanent.
I love Thursday too, but I would marry Saturday if I could! ;D
i love thursday cause it means you posted! boy have i missed you. been needing a heidi-fix something fierce!
have felt let down on the past few blockbuster selections lately too: "fame"-AWFUL. terrbily done. no emotional attachment for me, and i usually auto-attach to anything regarding dance/singing/theater. (don't judge me either)..."julie & julia"-infectiously adorable perspective of julia child, UNTIL THE LANGUAGE pops up out of nowhere & we were watching it with mini-me!!! sooooo disappointed!..."mad money" (i know its old)-really i kinda liked ted danson's character, but not the storyline. greed=lowered integrity=poor choices=consuming misery for all, especially the viewer. when i watched the DVD extras the actors were talking about how the storyline's dishonesty/sins were so minor that its easier for the audience to buy it, get behind it & root for the villans! UGH!!! yep, going there not only in a handbag but with a hot little turbo-charged 1st class ticket!!!! again, disappointed. kept thinking "in the world, not of it," needless to say i wasn't buying any of it. FAIL!..."the ramen girl"-dumb. the japanese-only speaking ramen chef was my fave character, but it was a dark story...especially when one watches the deleted scenes. brittany murphy was a cute little gal, but this movie was not. corny to say the least..."tyler perry's: i can do bad all by myself"-breath of fresh air! soooo good. do watch it (without your girls at first so you can decide how you want to approach the storyline with them). it's about being a strong woman. plus, madea telling bible stories & pretending to pray was hysterical. gladys knight was fantastic! mary j. blige was a delight as well. great cast. a story most of us can see happening, if we haven't known people in similar places of our lives already. great flick. felt like being a better person after watching it. good. pick it up!
k, so that's my movie schpiel. enjoy your weekend! love ya oodles.
Isn't it great to have a special day to look forward to- not a birthday, anniversary or holiday, but just a day that seems slightly better than all the other days? I have one too, but it's changed since my I Heart Tuesdays post a while back. Now, I heart Saturday. :)
Welcome back!
Good to see you out for a Thursday!! Miss you!!
Oh, and just for you, my word verification word is: "sksori", which is definitely one of my favorite words ever.
Great Post!
And soooo dissappointed last Thursday (the day you wrote this post) Explain to me this...December---ONE yes ONE new Office on the 10th! Fast forward to January---ONE yes ONE new Office! What is up with that!?!? Like you I look forward to my Thursday TV and man what a bummer!!!! Sorry, I had to vent. Whewww...so good to get that off my chest.
So glad to see a post from you!!!
I'm glad your blog-break wasn't terribly long. I hope you feel rested. I'm very much looking forward to this coming Thursday, so yes, I'll bid you a premature happy one! =)
the verification word is hoyactor. Is that a Scottish actor or the Spanish Actor-of-the-day? =)
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