Monday, March 1, 2010

New Week. New Opportunities.

That's right. I'm trying to find, well, myself actually. I feel that I'm not who I completely want to be. I feel that I've lost of what used to make up Heidi. I chalk a bit of that to just growing up, but I still think there were other things lost along the way. I want to take advantage of everything life has to offer. I want to maximize and amplify every talent and aspect of my life. I want more for myself, I want more for Jeff and I as a couple, and I want more for my family. I know that I may loose heart and focus. I know that I may get discouraged. I hope that I will still press on and be the person that I want to be. I've been simmering over some inspirational things I've seen, read, or witnessed and I think I'm about to boil. This is one of the things that has stayed with me since I saw it. I think it will stay with me forever actually. It's the last thing Conan O'Brien said in his final farewell.

"To all the people watching, I can never thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life. All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

I don't know why this statement touches my heart so much, but I tear up every time I read it. It makes me feel young again. It gives me hope and makes me remember what it felt like to succeed at something. I used to be the kind of person that would see something and do everything in my power to get it. I hope to get some of that back. I'm looking for new opportunities. I know I'll find some.


Em and Ms said...

Good luck! I think this is something we all try to do from time to time. From my experience though, it's a process that is repeated continually but happiness is found in that journey.

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Yes you will Ms. Heidi. I am excited to watch this play out. We love you SO much!

Terri said...

I love that quote. As you know, I've struggled a lot myself this winter.

Hang in there, my friend, we'll both get through this and be stronger on the other side. Keep us posted. Wednesday is my short day at work this week, so I'll pop your package in the mail that afternoon.

Melanee said...

Wow! That's inspiration for you. I don't know what you have been going through lately... but I feel like we are kindred spirits lately. I have lost my zest for things. My creativity sits in a room downstairs, that is locked to me. I have been looking for that inspiration that will get me going. After reading your post, I am feeling better... I might even go downstairs today!

LKP said...

new rule of thumb regarding opportunities:
when you find 'em, grab 'em, and run with them! don't look back, that's always a tragedy. =)
love you.
good luck this week.

LKP said...

when you get down here you can totally join the TC's photog club i'm a part of! it's a great way to get better & learn pointers as you go. =)

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Good Plan! I love the Conan quote too, and think of it often!

SuzanSayz said...

Heidi, I will tell you something that I have heard quite often on American Idol. I don't think you really know just how great you are a lot of the time. I know that sadly you have my tendancy towards depression. I wish like anything you could have avoided getting that trait from me. I know that you have talents and abilities that will amaze everyone. You just need to have more love and faith in yourself.
You are still very young and you have a whole long life ahead of you and I know that you will do many incredible things with the talents and strengths you have been given.

Lisa Christine said...

This, is a beautiful post filled with beautiful thoughts and inspirations.

Thank you for sharing that quote. What wise words he spoke!

Heidi, I'll be here cheering you on as you work towards being the best 'you'.

You are wonderful already though and have touched my life in a very sweet way!