As you know, Abbey and Lindsay are both at Camp Grandma right now. Well last night as they all were gathering by the outdoor fireplace, there was a disturbance. Lindsay had her friend Michael come over and enjoy the fire with her, but he had a nasty neighbor boy tag along that wasn't being nice to her. Apparently, Uncle Donald heard a few of the things he was saying and told the kid that he wasn't invited to be there and he needed to leave. This was followed by Michael seconding the motion. I wanted to know what was said, so I talked to Lindsay this morning to get the skinny on the situation. This is how it went down....
"Hey Bubs, how's it going?"
"Good. I miss you."
"I miss you too. Hey, I heard there was a boy last night that wasn't being nice to you. Can you tell me what happened?"
"Oh, ya. It was a boy that was following us around. He told me that he is going into the 3rd grade and that he was bigger than me and that I was too small and that he could beat me up."
"He did? What a punk! What did you say?"
"I said, well my ancestors were Vikings, so I don't think so!"
Ward Family Valentine's Dance
2 weeks ago
I can totally see the resemblance! Hehehe! :) Oh, and send me your address to trp100329(at)cs(dot)com so I can get a package in the mail to you! :)
This is awesome. Lindsay is totally cool to stand up to a boy like that!
And then everyone came and roasted marshmallows and a good time was had by all.
Sans the new kid of course.
The viking card. Love that smartie girl.
Way to play the heritage card, Linds!! U Rock!!
That's enough to make a heart bust with pride :)
Go girl!!! Love the confidence.
Hey, I come from some Viking stock... I gotta remember that one and use it some time. Pass on my thanks to Lindsay!
Awesome! That made me smile! :)
vikings, eh? pretty cool.
THAT IS PHENOMENAL!!! i heart this oodles & oodles. =) tell her she is my hero. as far as the conference thing is concerned, its a strange situation. we don't really have small enrichment groups here in our ward. not sure why, but there just isn't. a couple of us decided to start this and invite all the sisters...first time was more successful than we had figured it would be so we've kept on doing it since like Oct or Nov. most people seem to like it, Bishop digs its stuck. works out nicely. some months there's only a few who show, other times 7-10. either way the Spirit makes it awesome, totally customized for each group & topic. works out since we all are supposed to be reading & studying modern revelation from conference, and not everyone can agree on the same books for a book club. we meet every third tuesday night from 6-8pm. location changes month to month so no one person gets burnt out. ground rules: bring ONLY the assigned general conference talk, your scriptures, & a drinking container (started as Conference & Cocoa so it was mugs in the winter, now it's lemonade so tumblers/cups for summer). we read through the talk together & discuss as we go. the Spirit is strong, emotions & impressions are safely shared, and no one comes away unchanged. not a bad deal. i actually look forward to it every month, just a nice couple hour respite from domestic cares without having to get dressed up! =)
oh, my goodness, THAT is funny. Good for her standing up for herself!
Are you serious! Oh what I would have given to hear her say that!!!! That is the greatest comeback in the entire world! Oh how I love that sweet little Lindsay! :)
(and now that I know for sure what the bully said, I am glad that Donald was RUDE to him!)
Smart girl. I love it when girls stand up for themselves.
lindsay and thedonald rocked that situation!!!
much love,
dani xxxx
yup,thats right.I shure toled him that.But then the rest of the day was perfektly fine.I love you.
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