One thing I still need to do is to find a really good recipe for a banana cream pie. I'm looking for one that uses flour instead of cornstarch, so if you happen to have tell.
I can't lie though, I'm feeling the strongest urge to go take a nap while the kids are in school. I'm really tired. Jeff has a temporary job in Pasco, so he's gone all week and comes home on the weekend. I'll be single parenting it for a while, but it's not so bad, just a little bit more exhausted at the end of the day. I just really miss having him around. I'm SO excited to have him come home this evening though. {SMILE}
I would like to get a little sappy right now. I just want to proclaim my thankfulness. I'm so thankful that I have food. I can't help but think of those that go without everyday. I can't help but be thankful for a kitchen at my disposal, full of food.
I will try to do posts throughout the day showing my progress....but that nap is calling.

Yes! A marathon posting day to go with your marathon baking day!
So fun!
I hope you post pictures of your baking along the way. I wish I had a good recipe to share. We get ours from a local bakery that has a LLOOOONG line for their pies. My sister goes and waits every year. You have to order ahead too. I bet they won't share their recipe! ;D
I am Lissa Stinson's visiting teacher. I know she went to BYU and has lived in many places. Now, you just need to find out how she knows the person in your ward. I saw a comment on your blog once about me. They were wondering if they were related to me (Mortensen). Small world.
I vote for a nap. I love naps. They help me get through the day!
I would love to hear what eighteen things you are making today?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Update! Update! Update!! :)
I hope you wake up from your nap truly refreshed and ready to tackle your baking marathon! Happy Thanksgiving!!
How can if be that you don't have Grandma's famous banana cream pie recipe from the old Searchlight cookbook????
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/8 t. salt
2 cups milk, scalded
1/2 t. vanilla
2 T butter
2 eggs, beaten
Combine the butter, sugar, flour, salt and eggs. Add milk slowly. Cook carefully and stir until it boils. Remove from heat and add flavoring. Layer pudding and bananas.
Janice is the most AWESOME!!!
Thank you sooooo much!
Thanks Janice. I was not looking forward to typing out that whole recipe for her.
Ooooh. Are we ALLOWED to give out this recipe? Hopefully the whole contraband recipe allegations won't start all over again!
Happy Thanksgiving, DeCoursey family! :) I'm NOT looking at the contraband recipe, and I didn't copy and paste it to my cookbook - really! Scout's honor!
But, my chi-weenie might have accidentally stepped on the keys while I was NOT looking, and naturally I can't be responsible for any damage done by a dancing chi-weenie. Can I? :)
There are two things I love about that recipe.
(2) It comes from a cookbook my mom bought when she was 16, in the hopes of someday cooking for her own family.
Oh, and also (3), I don't think anybody will have a fit over it being posted here.
indulge me a moment here Heidi (even though its not still Thanksgiving Day exactly):
i am grateful for you & love you and your family tons! thanks for being a part of my life. =)
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