Bruce has done the unthinkable. He is peeing on the carpet. It has been only over the last few days. He has never done this before, ever. So, is it a health problem? Is it a behavioral problem? What should I do? There is a no tolerance policy in this house for cat pee on carpet. I'm pretty sure it's not a bladder problem. He's been on special UTI health food for a few years and he's not exhibiting the tell tail signs of bladder infection. If it's behavior, I don't know what to do about that. If it doesn't stop, we might have to say goodbye to Bruce. I think we'll take him to the vet next week. We'll have our tax return by then.
It's not like we can make him be an outside cat either. He's been an inside cat since he was born. He would be eaten by a coyote and he would just cry to be let in all day and night.
Ward Family Valentine's Dance
5 weeks ago
Good luck! I hope his behavior stops as quickly as it started!
Heidi,(after working in a veterinary clinic for nearly 5 years) i would would recommend taking him to the vet. Male cats are very prone to urinary issues, including bladder stones, which can become very dangerous if not taken care of. even cats on commercial "urinary" diets are at risk. he's trying to tell you something by peeing on the floor, trying to say "mommy, something not right!" if i were you, i wouldn't wait until next week, i know that money is an issue, but a lot of vets will work with you. UTIs can be very uncomfortable, if you've ever had one, you'd know. Bladder stones are even worse, they can be small enough to block their urethra and prevent peeing all together, very bad, very painful. I hope this helps. if you have any other kitty bladder questions let me know!
Our old family kitty who lived very long kitty years started peeing on the floor in her last years. Apparently she suffered from kitty alzheimers. She couldn't remember where the litter box was~ poor thing.
I hate pee (any type) on the floor :(
I wish I had some other "miraculous" advice. I don't. If money is an issue, sometimes you can contact a local vetrinary school and ask them if they can diagnose your cat as one of their school projects (they may even give you a little sympathy for your current situation... moving, going back to school... etc). And you really want to keep the cat, but if you can't... maybe they could recommend a good shelter (guilt sometimes works). Until then... block him off of carpeted rooms.
so sad. bruce, pull yourself together!
today brought some pet urine woes of our own. linus, our puppy, has been doing so much better that i've been allowing him to be out of his pen more & more. when i let him out this afternoon, he went right down the hill as was expected. he came inside & whizzed everywhere all over everything!!! i was SO. STOMPING. MAD. i sent him right back out again, and then straight into the pen he went. its not the same, but i've NEVER had an animal do this and it drives me crazy! are boy pets harder to housetrain that girls?
The pet woes must be going around. Give our cousin Nancy M. a call. She will gladly look at your cat for you! She helped with our cat and didn't expect anything in return but I did get her a small gift card as thanks. Her parents owned a clinic her whole life and she is really good. Good luck!
I don't know anything about pets. Good luck. Hope he is feeling better soon.
Ugh, I cannot take cat pee, it is so pungent. My cat had behavioral marking problems. The vet suggested getting a cat pheromone diffuser that looks like a glade plug in. It's called Feliway. It's expensive, about $50. It took about a week but my cat stopped marking. He would never eat dry food before, but the day after using the diffuser, he ate dry food with the rest of the cats. Pretty weird the way it alters their behavior. Just a thought - good luck!
Oh Bruce. How sad for it to come to this. I sure hope it's something easily taken care of. Come on Buddy, we're all pulling for ya!
Hmm. Heidi, the word verification is believe it or not seatta. I wonder if it's a secret message telling you that the answer is somewhere west of the mountains.
please don't let it come to getting rid of him. i have seen way to many healthy cats loose their family over something TREATABLE like urinary issues. it just takes patience, and the willingness to actually go to the vet and try what they have to say. if you need any advice, feel free to call (i believe you have our number, btw, this is your cousin Jennifer, just in case)
I think Bruce needs a time out.
uhhhh . . . i know nothing about cats. nothing. all i know is that cat pee stinks . . . really bad. So i hope your cat gets it together! maybe they make cat diapers?
heidi, i had mia and maisey for 8 and 7 years respectfully... about a year ago, i had to take a relatively new mattress and box-springs to the dump because they decided to start peeing on it.
when i did, i also bought a new, very large litter box for them.
they did well for about 7 months then started peeing on a stack of blankets i had in a basket.
i couldn't stand the thought of getting rid of them, but, even more, i couldn't fathom the thought of my house being destroyed by them.
in the end, i took them to a local humane society (they don't euthanize). when i took them in, a lady saw them and took them home with her. i was totally heart broken!!! but, personally, i don't think there is a worse odor than cat pee!!!
i hope for bruce it's just a health matter that can be remedied!!! otherwise... well, i've already told you what i had to do:(
good luck!!!
much love,
dani xxx
any update on bruce?
I'd give him an extra litter box or two; change the type of litter in at least one box and have a vet check up ...
honest - not only is that what I'd do - it's what I've done when the same thing happens ...
hang in there
you can even crate him if there are specific times he does it -
feed him where he is peeing if it's always the same spot - that helps too
really ... I've been there - email me if you want more brainstorming :)
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