I'm making some Christmas goodies today. I don't know if I'm going to hand out a cookie plate, marshmallow bag, or ice cream toppings...or nothing. Do you hand out goody plates? I love to get them, but I'm not very good at handing them out. I'll figure it out I guess.
So, I remember doing a give away a few months ago. The winners will get something homemade from me and I have a year to do it. Well, I'm ready to send those things out and somehow my post was deleted. I need everyone who remembers winning to speak up. I remember most of the people, I'm just missing a couple.
Part of Christmas for me is making lots of candies and treats. I just can't stop myself! So we definitely hand out treat plates just to get some of it out of our house. Of course, that usually prompts the reciprocal treat plate, but it's all good fun. Plus it's a great way to serve and get to know your neighbors.
hey hun, thinking of ya. would leave big long comment, but scrambling with ward party details. needed to tell ya that you're loved. And yes we need to get together for games while you guys are here! BIG HUGS!
p.s. i don't remember if i was another of your winners, but if you've got homemade goodies without loving homes, we'd gladly adopt some homemade wonders ala heidi! =)
Every year dad likes to take a plate of goodies to his home teaching familys. I am terrible at getting them done for him. So he will usually try doing it himself. Lets just say that if he does them, well, it's not always pretty.
I don't think I was a winner. But you can send me something anyway ;-)!!
I think you should do treat plates. We do them every year and I like getting together with friends and kids to make the treats. Then you would have to share them, instead of eating them all!!
My mom gives out home made peppermint bark to EVERYONE. My neighbor growing up gave home made bread. I say YES to treat plate!
Oh so sad it wasn't me...:(
We leave milk and cookies out for Santa on a special plate.
Oops Branson messed me up and I didn't get to finish what I was saying...Santa is the only treat plate we give out.
We do a treat plate along with caroling. It's terribly embarassing~ but I suffer through it each year just the same.
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