You must understand that my brain was almost at critical shut down. So I was stumped and unmotivated. Meatloaf? No. I'd have to get out the mixer and I think we're out of I don't mix my meatloaf by hand. Stroganoff? Nope. No mushrooms and I wouldn't have enough milk the next morning. Goulash maybe? That takes a whole lot more work than I'm willing to put in right now and I'm running out of time, Lindsay has ballet at 6. So what was left....tacos.
Tacos, great! Abbey and Lindsay love tacos. I open the fridge, believing that I have everything necessary for them. I know I have the meat. I had a bit of shredded cheese, sour cream, and some taco sauce. I didn't have any good lettuce or tomato, but the girls don't care for those items and I could do fine without them. I was just searching for the last ingredient, tortillas. No tortillas. Nada. Not even crunchy corn, or soft corn for that matter. Dang it!
Not to worry, not to worry. I turn to the modern day housewife companion, the internet. I look up a flour tortilla recipe, I have everything, let's get started.

Lindsay offered to help by cooking the hamburger. She really did a great job. I'm very proud of her and thankful to her. I need to let my kids do more in the kitchen.
They were delicious and easy. The girls loved them and thought they were fun and very impressive. Needless to say, I was praised the entire time for the miraculous culinary achievement. Not bad.
I'm now looking forward to breakfast. Breakfast burritos. YES!
AWESOME-BOVOSSOM!!! now, let's figure out how to turn that into gluten/wheat-free, rice-free, potato-free, & corn-free so i can eat it! =) i can't wait for life to slow down so i can do some more kitchen experiementation. love yas.
great kitchen assistants btw.
yummy... and WOW!!! homemade tortillas:P sounds great for supper and for breakfast, heidi:P
and the time in between??? i hope you got plenty of rest my dear friend:)
much love,
dani xxxx
ps all is well here on the lane... just a bit hectic this week!
I would rather prepare any other meat in the world than hamburger. I don't know what it is but the hamburger is ALWAYS the very last resort. Maybe I OD'd on hamburger helper (which I loateh) or something. The tortillas look YUMMY!!
Honey, I find new reasons to be proud of you every week. It would never occur to me to make marshmallows or flour tortillas. It just makes me swell with pride to see how resourceful you and the girls are. Maybe these are some of the lessons you are learning through these really hard times. I think that Heavenly Father knows exactly what your best qualities are and he is in a way forcing you to rely on them. When all of these hard times are over and the dust has settled, I just know that you are going to be an even more competent and incredible person than you would have been without the struggles. And don't worry. In no way do I mean to suggest that your hardships are trivial or deserved. I know how sad you have been and I know how overwhelming all of it is. I just want you to know that I love you and I derive so much joy from seeing you grow and learn in so many ways.
I love you very much Heidi.
Love mom
Very creative and I am sure delicious. I have never made marshmellows tortilla's I made at enrichment or should I say I watched and ate homemade tortilla's
cooking is too much work!
I am so impressed! Look at you, making tortillas! And you could use them as flatbreads for the kids lunches, too - you are so clever! :)
Please, if you have time, stop by my blog at and enter my giveaway!
Too bad you won't be hear on Christmas eve to make us some. Maybe I should give it a try....
Those look great, and I can't believe how much more grown up Lindsay looks than she did just a few months ago!
Seriously, you're awesome! I love tacos... but not enough to look up a recipe and make my own tortillas if we were out! Amazing! :)
I actually made tacos last night as our first "official" cooked meal in the new house (not including pre-prepared meals like pizza and stuff from Costco). I'm about to have them as leftovers for lunch, too.
Hope the breakfast burritos were yummy, too!
Wow! Homemade taco shells. I am truly impressed. I think I would have been too tempted to make a trip to Taco Bell instead.
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