Sunday was Abbey's birthday. My sweet little lovely is now 12. Sigh, 12. She had just spent the prior week at girls camp. A sleep away church camp, just for girls... Anywho, we didn't really have the time to put together a party this year. We told her she could do whatever she wanted to do. She wanted to have lunch at Red Lobster and then hang out at the mall. Hanging out at the mall? No thanks, I'll hang out on the bench and read my latest book of choice while you cavort about with your sister. I'm in a Ray Bradbury kick. The 'Illustrated Man' is what I'm working on right now, work probably not the best word. Soaking in, enjoying, relishing, you get the drift.
Abbey would like you to know that the Chinchilla Webkins (AKA Chico) is the bestest Webkins ever made, next to the Alley Cat (AKA Thomas). I'm sure Abbey will do a post about all of her presents. Mean while, Abbey and Lindsay had been watching YouTube clips of Chinchilla's being adorable all afternoon. I tried to entice them with the slip n slide to no avail.
One summer birthday down, two more to go. Lindsay handled Abbey's birthday remarkably well this year I might add. Very proud. I have two beautiful, sweet, smart, confident, lovely girls.
So glad to hear from you.
Bless your heart...I hope your trials pass soon. I do understand
depression and financial worries.
Now about that lingering smoke smell?
oops, just reread and know the smoke was from Abbey's birthday candles...........
Happy Birthday Abbey! I'm glad you're back and hope you continue to feel better.
The girls are adorable, the cake looks so yummy... and I love your family photo wall.
So glad to see your new post! I'm happy you're back, and happy birthday to Abbey!
I was thinking about you the other day... stayed in SLC, which made me think of Jeff working there back in the day, which then made me think "Hmmm.... Heidi hasn't blogged in a while, I wonder how she's doing." In case you were wondering my train of thought. :)
So glad to see a new post and that Abbey had a wonderful birthday!
woman!!! you've been on my mind more than you can imagine. i'm soooo glad to hear from you. how awesome that you have a lovely YW in your house now. as for grimey girls camp, mr LKP didn't want to claim me OR mini-me this year either. so gross, but sooooo awesome! hope she had a great time. first year is such a pivotal experience. love-hate, that's all there is to it. no middle of the road. so hopefully for abbs it was love! =)
just shipped mini-me off on another camping adventure with our ward's girls to the oregon coast (near tillamook). they'll be there all week with the bishop, a few of their leaders, and a couple or two also from the ward. definitely strange when the packing list said "personal flotation device if you plan on going deeper than your knees into the ocean"...what?! who would want to do THAT?! and on the oregon coast no less?! (i reacted that way since i'm petrified of the ocean---well, mostly what's in it that i can't see. daze just said, "mom not everyone's afraid of the ocean." my retort was, "well, they should be!") add to that list "wetsuit, otherwise it'll take 10 minutes until you're numb from the 50 degree weather, at which point it won't matter if you have a wetsuit or not"...again, what?! oy vey. i figure, she might as well enjoy it. i may be terrified, but she shouldn't be while she's young. and if anything awful happens i know i can just blame our bishop, since it was HIS wild idea in the first place. lol. =)
anyhow, i feel for ya on the mall situation though. luckily mini-me's not really into the mall. she'd like to go to the movies with a few of her friends and NO ADULTS AT ALL...and mr LKP & i still aren't quite ready for that. so instead we let her get a perm, which she's been BEGGING for for what seems like ages. win-win, no? =)
Anonymity isn't so anonymous when you sign in with your google account. I'm glad you're gaining some cJane strength and hope your path becomes clear to you.
Who's going for anonymity? Not me. I'm too vain. ;)
cJane strength?? Did you leave her an anonymous comment?! Please do tell!
I love that the first picture is of the "Perfectly Abbey" birthday card I got her. I can't imagine any other person enjoying it as much as our dear sweet Abbert.
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